Not All Drug Routes Lead to America (Part 4)

Brightly Red Colored Semi-Truck Speeding on a Two-Lane Highway with Cars in Background Under a Stunning Sunset in the American Southwest
You must be prepared for the Government continuing to say that all or most drugs coming through Mexico or Central America are bound by the United States. This is an overstatement, and the cartels are always changing up routes and tactics to avoid law enforcement. The Government will present a litany of evidence of Federal and foreign agents, cooperating witnesses and law enforcement experts on decoding alleged drug conversations to tie the drug shipment to the United States. But, if you can create a reasonable doubt that the drugs were just as likely to be bound for Europe or Asia than the United States, you could walk your client home. There is additional doubt that the drugs are to be consumed locally where they are found, but this is not likely enough to overcome the Government testimony by itself.
Look closely for how the testifying conspirators and others were paid. Were they paid in US Dollars or in pesos or other currency? What was the historical destination background of the conspiracy as presented? What can your investigator dig up regarding any relevant flight paths or ports of call related to boats and planes alleged to be used? Even if you don’t end up going to trial, such information can help you negotiate a much better agreement, perhaps even down to a telephone count or a misprision.
If you or your loved one has been charged with a crime, call Micah Belden now at 903-744-4252.